Sunday, December 10, 2006



All coincidental visitors , that are here, intentionally or not, we ask you to be patient, so we will edit this page and extend it.

If you are reading this now, than you probably know, that we crowned our love with a wonderful ceremony of registration of same-sex partnership, at administration unit in Laško,WHEN SUN START TO SHINE UPON US. On this page, photos and responeses of media will be available. Your comments are wellcome too. With no regard if they are positive or negative, we kindly ask you to be cultural and tolerant, like we are, and do not let your words be banal or primitive, because I think it is not adequat to the human dignity that I ascribe to you.

That’s it for now, thank you for visiting - ALDO and JURE

Saturday, December 9, 2006



Vse naključne obiskovalce, ki ste zašli hote ali nehote na najino stran naprošava, da malo potrpijo, da bova lahko stran uredila tako, da boste imeli kaj videti.Če sedaj to berete, vrjetno veste, da sva svojo ljubezen okronala s prečudovitim obredom registracije istospolne partnerske skupnosti na upravni enoti v Laškem, KO NAMA JE ZASIJALO SONCE. Na tem mestu bodo dostopne fotografije, odzivi medijev, dobrodošli pa bodo tudi vaši komentarji.

Ne glede na to, ali bodo pozitivni ali negativni, vas naprošava, bodite kulturni in strpni, kakor sva midva in si ne dopustite banalnega in primitivnega izražanja, saj mislim, da to ni primerno človeškega dostojanstva, ki vam ga pripisujem.

Toliko za enkrat in hvala za obisk - ALDO in JURE

posted by Aldo & Jure at 7:29 AM 0 comments